BCA Steering Minutes

BCA Steering Committee Meeting, May 22, 2019

Attendance: Judy Ann Alberti, Gene Bernardi, Mary Ann Brewin, Julia Cato, Fred Dodsworth, Linda Franklin, Negeene Mosaed, Phoebe Anne Sorgen, Margot Smith, Charlene Woodcock

Next meeting: June 19, 6:30 pm, Call 510-982-6528 for location. (Nigel requests Linda make sure BCA calendar items matches actual date and time).

  1. Agenda development (see below)
  2. Green Electricity Forum debrief (Linda): Decent attendance, but few low income residents, many energy advocates. Not enough outreach/publicity. For future events, make sure to include many partners like BPA, and get press materials to Margot 3 weeks before the event. Day of the event was well organized by Kate’s and Ben’s staff. Linda’s take home message: we should be building new local sources of electricity. ACTION: Linda will draft letter reminding council that future renovations to city buildings should be green and have solar.
  3. Collaborations w/ BPA (Margot & Charlene): BPA steering committee meeting to be held soon, will discuss their future. Expect update at June BCA steering meeting.
  4. Moratorium on sidewalk ordinance against homeless (Gene): May 28 council agenda Davila item # 45, direct city mgr. to place moratorium on enforcement of ordinance of 7632, misc. use of streets and sidewalks until a homeless response system is implemented. Discussion: Negeene will be there, she strongly encourages BCA and BPA members to show up, and support. So far no co-sponsors.

BCA steering draft letter: “We support Cheryl Davila’s item # 45, directing the city manager to place moratorium on enforcement of ordinance of 7632, misc. use of streets and sidewalks until a homeless response system is implemented. We additionally request that important items like this are moved to the front of the agenda. Please vote yes for item 45 and be humane to all Berkeley residents.” ACTION: Sent to the group for proofreading/corrections 5/22. Send out Friday to council.

  • RV Ban (Gene): There will be a moratorium on enforcement of the RV ban until the permitting process is in place, which will take approx 6 months. This policy is being developed by the Life Enrichment, Equity and Community council committee, whose members are Kesarwani, Bartlett and Hahn. The next meeting of this group is Monday June 10, 10 am. ACTION: Phoebe and Nigel will attend. Gene has drafted a letter and would like BCA to send it. ACTION: Nigel and Negeene will work with her to finalize this letter.
  • Space for RVs (Negeene): at recent rent board meeting, Jesse stated he would request emergency permission from state. Send letter from BCA to Jesse: Draft: “The BCA steering committee held their monthly meeting tonight and it was shared that at a recent Rent Board meeting, you attended and stated you would submit an emergency request to the state to allow RVs to park at the Marina. The members of the BCA steering committee completely support you on this position. We voted last night to urge you to overturn what you yourself correctly called* the “hastily done and poorly written” RV ordinance ASAP.  We helped elect you to make Berkeley more humane.  Please let the RV’s return to the Marina.”
  • Marina study to develop ferry terminal. (Negeene) Council approved awarding a contract to Hargreaves to develop a plan. Discussion: Fred says similar attempt about 2005 failed. Charlene reminds voters rejected attempt to commercialize marina to compete w/ Hilltop decades ago. Charlene has written to address environmental issues, heard back there will be a EIR. Julia queried Kate about Hargreaves, says Kate responded that Hargreaves is reputable. Can remind that UC planning can be contracted with for much lower cost. BCA steering to write a letter to register our outrage that no bid contract was issued, and our concerns about parking, environmental issues, protection of public assets. ACTION: Charlene will help write letter from BCA steering.
  • Meeting with Council members (Linda/Margot): Revisited from April meeting. Need to spread the workload here: Discussion: Judy Ann says be more forceful, reminds us that decades ago, BCA steering members used to meet every month with the 4 progressive council-members. Gene considers it a waste of time. Margot reinforces importance of meeting one on one: gives us an opportunity to meet face to face and remind them that we are the ones who worked to elect them, state where we are on issues and what support is needed. Decision: move forward, with Davila as first meeting. ACTION: Negeene contacted Cheryl’s office through Duane? to get a date/will f/u.
  • Ask all grocery stores to switch to compostable plastic bags for produce. (Gene) ACTION: Negeene will ask Kate to look into sponsoring this.
  • NB BART update (Linda): no time. ACTION: Linda sent final draft letter that circulated in email last week; will sent to council Friday.
  • Goldman project on Hearst and DEIR (Nigel) Send a letter supporting Shirley Deans’s letter and asking city to file suit. ACTION: Nigel will draft letter.
  • Berkeley Tenants Union General Membership Meeting (Julia): June 17, 6 PM Sports Basement. ACTION: Linda will send to membership in an email. Agendize update on BTU and EBHO at our future steering committee meetings.
  • Possible future forums
    • 5 G forum: (Phoebe) Jesse, Susan on board, 20 other cities have passed, draft ordinance written, hoping to be on July 9th city council agenda, have speakers ID’d. They need catchy title and outreach.  Potential date / location: BFUU Fellowship Hall, Weds June 26, evening. ACTION: Phoebe to confirm location/date. See old BCA cards. Draft newsletter, flyer, press release by end of May. Newsletter in mail by June 12. If press release is written and submitted 3 weeks prior to event, Margot will forward to her media list. At June meeting, confirm attendees for chores at the event.
    • Police profiling update: July forum? Work with NAACP. ACTION: Fred will contact Willie to initiate.
    • Other topics: progressive agenda, climate change, housing (how to fund coops, implementation of Measures O and P, who’s getting housed; Recycling update from Ecology center

FYI on BCA letters to council: We always send council letters to individual council members and city clerk so that letter gets in the packet. Will add sending to our whole membership so they know where we stand and as a press release via Margot. Use action/forceful verbiage, avoid passive phrasing. Letters should be drafted and circulated by email to steering committee before being sent out to council.

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