Support the Berkeley Fair Elections Act (Common Cause)


Campaign spending is out of control. In Berkeley, 7 of the last 8 City Council races went to the candidate who raised the most money, as did the last mayor’s race. We need a system where candidates can successfully run for office even if they don’t have connections to wealth.

Take action today by signing our petition below!;jsessionid=3DCE4B5FC57E35C83379D4BAE7D4AE53.app267a?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=976 

Together, we can amplify local voices and empower candidates to run small donor campaigns. Sign onto our petition, and join us for a public forum on October 28 and for the council hearing on November 10.

PETITION: Amplify Local Voices. 

Support the Berkeley Fair Elections Act.

Dear Berkeley City Council,

California Common Cause, its members and allies urge the Berkeley City Council to place the Fair Elections Act on the ballot, which would magnify the role of average voters and empower candidates to run small donor campaigns.

When candidates have to spend most of their time fundraising, it can distract them from talking to voters and working on policy solutions that prioritize the public’s priorities. The high costs of campaigns are threatening to price out candidates without personal wealth or connections to wealth. The Fair Elections Act works to remedy the problem by allowing candidates to spend more time talking to voters and less time dialing for dollars.

The goals of the program are to:

1. Encourage more Berkeley residents to get involved in local elections.
2. Diversify the donor pool by increasing the number of small contributions.
3. Drive candidates to spend more time listening to voters.
4. Prevent candidates from appearing or becoming beholden to large donors.

The City of Berkeley needs a campaign system that prioritizes the public interest and reduces the amount of time candidates spend dialing for dollars. Vote to put the Fair Elections Act on the 2016 ballot and give Berkeley voters the opportunity to create a more equitable political system.

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